Thursday, February 10, 2011

Emotional Baggage Claim proposal notes and words as sketches

I've been working feverishly on my Flux proposal, a performance and installation called, It's All My Fault Emotional Baggage Claim, I thought I'd post a page of notes from my sketchbook. You might notice (especially as I post more pages of other projects) there aren't many drawings for a visual artist's sketchbook.

I came to this realization myself not too long ago. I wondered why I didn't draw more in my sketchbook. Isn't that what artists do when they're sketching? Mostly, it has to do with the way I think and they way I translate what I think to formats others can understand. Language is not natural or innate. It's a constructed convention that, while wildly successful in communicating broad and even nuanced ideas, still falls short when relating to non-tangibles.

I ask myself questions a lot, both technical and conceptual. What am I trying to get across? What do I need to achieve that? How can I layer content and meaning into various aspects while maintaining a visual simplicity? What ideas should I try out? Will this work? Will that?

I see the visuals in my head usually clearly, so it's often not useful for me to spend time fiddling with rudimentary drawings, unless I need to share my idea with another person (as I did in the above image). However, I don't think as naturally in words unless I'm working out how to translate ephemeral core concepts or themes into language. Words end up being my sketches. 

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